2012 Exhibitions
December 8, 2012- January 6, 2013
Carl Joe Williams
Kyle Hossli, The Recreations
Rajko Radovanovic, Angry American Artist (a study towards greater anger)
Mike Drake, Billions and Billions
November 11- December 2, 2012
Uncommon Landscapes brings together the photographic work of Shane Darwent, Jill Frank, Amy Johnson, Pradip Malde, and Rachel Malde.
Andrea Ferguson, Objects of Affection
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Brad Benischek and Case Miller
October 13- November 4, 2012
New Lease, including Angela Berry, Kyle Bravo, Lee Deigaard, Andrea Ferguson, Dave Greber with Grace Mikell, Kyle Hosslii, Rachel-Amanda Jones, Morgana King, Stephanie Patton, Brooke Pickett, Alex Podesta, Claire Rau, Megan Roniger, and Jonathan Traviesa.
Featuring performances by Justin Vittitow and Dance Elixir on opening night.
September 8- October 7, 2012
Andrew Miller, Brand Spirit
Rachel Amanda Jones, Nothing Will Be As Before
Philip Berezney, STUFF and also STUFF Moving
Fair and Used featuring Jakob Anckarsvärd, Osvaldo Cibils, Austin Dickson, Dan Flanagan, Yoshi Sodeoka, Mathew Thompson, Bartholomäus Traubeck, and Ryan Watkins-Hughes w/ Rea McNamara
Lee Deigaard
August 11- September 2, 2012
Brooke Pickett, Storage Facilities
Ingrid Ludt
Jennifer Moynihan, New Works
Lee Deigaard, a tree falls...
July 14- August 5, 2012
Ves Pitts, Ghost Walk
Sally Heller & Nina Schwanse, Lewdicrous
John Otte, Falling Beauty
June 9- July 8, 2012
Jan Gilbert, 30 Years / 30 Blocks: a retrospective installation of place and public artworks
You Beautiful Bitch featuring Lee Deigaard, Kathy High, Rachel Jones, Ariya Martin, Natalie McLaurin, Brooke Pickett, Ann Schwab with Brian McCormick, Monica Zeringue
Claire Rau, Permission
Nicole Jean Hill, Artifacts & Incidents
Jan Gilbert & Babette Beaullieu, Cajun Prayer Flags
May 12- June 3, 2012
Ariya Martin
Philipe Landry and Rachel Avena Brown, I and I and I
Art Club, We'll Meet You There
Dave Greber and Katie Gelfand, Curators, Scapes n' Similes
Gregory Price
April 14- May 6, 2012
Craig Doty, Wild Gift
Scott Saunders, ar/tic/u/lat/ed
Alex Podesta, Mostlymades: Finished Works in Progress
Dick Keaveny, Piggies and Other Peoples
march 10- April 8, 2012
Midwest Pressed (Tim Dooley and Aaron Wilson), Worn Out
Grope, an exhibition by Derek Whitlock, Craig Branum, and Ben Fox-McCord.
February 11- March 4, 2013
Yumi Janairo Roth, All that Glitters
Headphones: Listen Up! curated by Valerie Brodar, featuring Jacki Apple, Lynn Book, Paul Bright, M.W. Burns,Thomas Edison , Philippe Landry, Lou Mallozzi, Filippo Tammaso Marinetti , David Moss, Senga Nengudi, Luigi Russolo , Kurt Schwitters , Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville , Helen Thorington, David Webber, Hildegard Westerkamp, Gregory Whitehead, Michael Winter
Jill Reynolds, Bitscape
January 14- February 5, 2012
Rachel Jones, Memento Mori
Andrea Ferguson & Dave Greber, Interior Deterious
Rachel Avena Brown, Nuclear Fusion
Stephanie Patton, Upkeep