2014 Exhibitions
December 13, 2014- January 4, 2015
Jessica Vogel, Love Object Love
Jill Stoll, Fictitious Cartographies
Cristina Molina, Anna Freud and Her Father
Dan Alley, The Time I Dug a Hole to China... and Missed
November 8- December 7, 2014
Lee Deigaard, Crusher Run
Jonathan Traviesa, Medium Surface
Robyn LeRoy-Evans, Naomi Shersty, and Ryn Wilson
Oppositions and Parallels
Edna (Eddie) Lanieri, Votive Offerings and Relics
October 11- November 2, 2014
Member show featuring:
Angela Berry, Brooke Pickett, Claire Rau, Cristina Molina, Eddie Lanieri, H. Cole Wiley, Imen Djounini, Jamie Solock, Jessie Vogel, John Isiah Walton, Jonathan Traviesa, Kyle Bravo, Lee Deigaard, Megan Roniger, Ryn Wilson, Stephanie Patton
September 13- October 5, 2014
Brian James Priest & H. Cole Wiley, data drops
Imen Djouini, To Bear One's Threads
A group show featuring Bonnie Brenda Scott, Nicola Vruwink, Ken Shaw, Jamie Solock, Ben Skinner and Raquel Meyers.
Cinema Babylon
August 9- September 7, 2014
Leah DeVun, Lead and Follow
Elaine Bradford, Mask
Jonathan Leach, Line for Line
Emily Link, Scryers Club
June 14- July 6, 2014
Claire Rau, Heirloom
Kenneth Pietrobono/Ross Hulkes, The Natural
Jessye McDowell, Make it Real
May 10- June 8, 2014
Bahama Kangaroo Presents: Yukako Ezoe and Naoki Onodera
The Front at Tokyo Art Lab
Hunter Thompson, Lindsay Preston Zappas, Jamie Solock, THIRDS
April 12- May 4, 2014
Tasheka Arceneaux-Sutton, Leah Floyd, Katerie Gladdys + Deshae E. Lott, Maria Lino, Venessa Monokian and Garima Thicker
Text to Textile, Curated by Cristina Molina
50Iv, John Isiah Walton, Ashley Tague, Jason Childers, Ron Bennett, Grown Ass Kid
James Goedert presents Toby Franklin: There are only so many days in a planet.
Angela Berry, Outside The Latmian Cave
March 8- April 6, 2014
Kyle Bravo, As It Was in the Beginning Is Now And Ever Shall Be
John Isiah, Carl Joe Williams, Ayo Scott, Keith Duncan, Bruce Davenport Jr, 50IV in 28 Days Later
Jamie Alonzo, Handle with Care
Plugged Art Collective, Her Shorts
February 8 - March 2, 2014
R You Afraid Of The Dark featuring John Isiah, Jaroid Henry, 50IV
Jessie Vogel, po ten tial
H. Cole Wiley, looking back - moving forward
Brian St. Cyr
January 11- February 2, 2014
Group exhibition featuring new members, those saying fare-thee-well, and old hands.