2023-24 Member Catalog

P.6 Local Lagniappe Member Catalog

November 2024

“In preparation for curating the sixth triennial Prospect Front member’s exhibit, I decided to have individual conversations with the 20 Front artist members and record them.  Why would these hard-working individuals put so much time outside of their work, studio, and personal lives to maintain a space with four rooms and a yard?  You’ll just have to listen to the interviews.” AUDIO + FULL CATALOG
Excerpt from Catalog prologue by Raina Benoit

Front Member Interviews, P.6 Local Lagniappe, 2024
0:00 / 0:00

Sound & Curation by Raina Benoit 
Prologue/Epilogue by Raina Benoit & Elliott Stokes 
Edited/Layout Anderson Funk/inkscoop

Featuring The Front’s 2023-2024 Members

Anderson Funk. Ann Haley. Augustus Hoffman. Basqo Bim. Christine Crook. Dani Leal. Déja Jones. Diane Appaix-Castro. Elliott Stokes. Elvira Michelle. Ely Marshall. Hayley Samantha Jensen. Kelsey Scult. Lily Brooks. Raina Benoit. Ruth Owens. Sly Watts. Summer White. Ulrika Matthiessen. Yashi Davalos.