2016 Exhibitions
December 10, 2016- January 8, 2017
Brooke Pickett, Good Grief
Unshadowed: Joey Tipton, Johanna Warwick, Jessica Vogel Brown
November 12- December 4, 2016
David Thomas Colannino, AP history
Kevin Baer, To The Sky
October 8- November 6, 2016
Alanah Luger-Guillaume & Rebecca Spangenthal, LEMON LOVERS
Enscribe, curated by Lee Deigaard.
Featuring: John Powers, Jina Valentine, Elizabeth Stone, Norah Lovell, Ann Schwab, Lee Deigaard, Karoline Schleh & John Seefeldt
August 13- September 4, 2016
Kelly A. Mueller, PULL
Kathleen Saunders, A Quietness Distilled
Ryn Wilson and Michael Arcos, HEKS/SMUK
July 9- August 7, 2016
Summer Crush, Vanessa Centeno
Stephen Rooney, Blue Arrowheads of The Barataria
Claire Rau, Buffet
Madeleine Wieand, There is no knife connection
June 11- July 3, 2016
Bayou: By Us
Box 13 collective from Houston, Texas comes to town featuring the work of:
Matthew Kelly Debbaudt, Cinthia Gomez, Janine Hughes, Daniela Koontz, Emily Link, David McClain, Tudor Mitroi, Kristy Peet, and Delaney Smith
May 14- June 5. 2016
Cristina Molina, The Matriarchs
Richard Legendre, Witness
Cynthia Scott, Return of the Thin White Duke
April 9- May 8, 2016
Patch Somerville, X
Dan Alley, Perspective Perception
Weston Lambert, Caves of Ziran
March 12- April 3, 2016
Veronica, Nat, Jessie Vogel, Clouds/Cows
Imen Djouini, One Hand Cannot Applaud
February 13- March 6, 2016
John Isiah Walton, Rodeo
Vanessa R. Centeno, Fully Loaded
Rosa Byun, Steph Marcus, & Sean Starwars: Compulsion
January 9- February 7, 2016
Featuring new and returning members:
Kevin Baer, Vanessa Centeno, Patrick Coll, Kelly Mueller, Cynthia Scott, Patch Somerville, Madeleine Wieand, Lee Deigaard, Imen Djouini, John Isiah Walton, Cristina Molina, Brooke Pickett, Alex Podesta, Claire Rau, Jamie Solock, Jonathan Traviesa, Jessie Vogel, Ryn Wilson